I saw the light of hope in your eyes when the "bastion" of your faith took what seemed a huge step toward your healing. I hoped with you. And I prayed.
Then I saw. The headlines and the news. When I looked at you, I saw hurt, tears, pain, and fear. I cried with you. I felt sick.
And I heard you. You said that you weren't sure you could share your story again. Once was just shy of too much. I saw you. I saw the light of hope fade. Bless you. I see you.
And I pray. I pray that your stories will be heard, for your healing, and for the wisdom of those who hold the promise of hope in their meetings and words.
I know. I know that you hurt. I know that this is hard. But I also know that God is aware.
He sees you.
He loves you.
And in spite of mistakes made by flawed people,
He remains. Unchangeable. All Powerful. All Knowing.
See Him. He who created all, and sees each tear, and provides all peace.