As I was chatting with a friend this morning, he mentioned a mutual acquaintance whose preaching had always been "cold and hard." And as I thought back to many of the sermons I heard, I realized that they fit that same description-cold and hard. Preachers listing sin after sin, pitfall after pitfall, painting a picture of our Savior sitting in Heaven constantly weeping over our failure to comply with God's standard of perfection.
I felt as if the Christian life compared to walking on eggshells trying not to break any of them. Then, when one fragile shell met its doom forward progress stopped until we had repaired or replaced that shell, all the while trying not to break the ones where we were standing. It was sooooooo hard to be a good Christian all the time. But God is gooooood and He will deliver us from the eggshel. . . I mean sins. What kind of a joyous life can we live when that is our mindset? No wonder so many Christians looked like they just smelled rotten eggs.
Guess what? If we have accepted Christ's gift of salvation we have already been delivered from our sins. It's a done deal. So our Christian pathway isn't littered with egg shells. Yes, we do need to be careful along our way to not veer off our path and stomp on the egg shells alongside us. But, no, we do not have to carefully tiptoe along so as not to upset our Creator. He wants us to keep our eyes on Him, and we can't do that if we have to look down and watch our step all the time. He's leading us and showing us the way. It's when we are not looking at Him that we'll be making scrambled eggs on the side of the road.
Life isn't easy for anyone. Christians and non-Christians alike suffer trials, and pitfalls, and terrible things. The difference? We have a God who leads us, and when we do crush an eggshell, He replaces for us as soon as we ask.
I've come to the conclusion that the Christian life isn't a struggle. It's regular life that's a struggle. He told us that His burden is easy. So no more acting like walking on eggshells for me. I'll trust His guidance, and let His voice tell me when I have wandered off the path He has laid for my feet.
Skipping down the path!
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